Sunday, September 26, 2010

Chickens and tomatoes

I live in a new co-op called the East Blair. There are huge gardens of kale in every direction. Today my housemate Shannan and our neighbor Allison, a friend of my farmer pals Sarah and Andrew, did lots of work on the extended chicken coop for the members of the community who tend to be fowl. We didn't have any proper tools besides hammers and our materials were all scrappy bits of chicken wire and scrap wood. All in all, it's coming along really well. We are all done but the roof. The basic structure was done already when we started the day. The chickens are really friendly and keen on their new digs. Two of them enjoy dandelion greens and grass, and four of them prefer kale and cabbage. They let me pet them even though petting is not the usual sort of thing chickens enjoy.

Since I've been back in Eugene I've been on a tomato craze. I made canned sauce and dehydrated lots of sweet ones that are now kind of like tomatoey fruit leather. I'm going to dehydrate even more for snacks in my office.

Tomorrow I start school and rather than fiddle fart around in my office all day I decided to do around-the-house jobs. Laundry, weeding, and the chicken coop project. Tonight I'll make chips out of some root vegetables as yet another snack for when I'm too busy to cope with cooking elaborate things.

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